“Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are.” This wisdom comes to us from a French gastronome writing in 1825. The message stands up. Science shows us that what we consume impacts way more than numbers on a scale. Our moods, emotions, physical health, and mental well-being all connect back to …
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Our biggest aspirations are realized less like a tsumami crashing down on the shore and more like a toddler making their way down the block. We take one small, shakey step and then another. With commitment and focus, we move steadily to a new place. What tweaks could radically improve the way we live, …
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To lead a well-designed life does not mean things are never hard. How we act in the face of an obstacle says a lot about our values and integrity. What’s your move when the going gets tough? Do you walk away? Do you tighten your grip and attempt to control? Do you point fingers and …
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Our values show up everywhere – in how we make decisions, in the charges on our bank statements, in the way we spend our time, and in the company we keep. Get curious about how your priorities are revealed through your everyday habits. What guides us in our work and lives? How do we discern …
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Imagine the dreamiest result you could possibly achieve happens. (Pretty good, right?) What would need to take place to bring this about? One thing is certain: You cannot get there on your own. What makes for effective working relationships? What are the conditions that steward us to powerful teamwork? And how does accountability fit …
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Sometimes doing nothing is a valid, productive choice. Holding steady gives us space to seek more information, build up our energy reserve, and let a more ease-filled path reveal itself. Consider a place where you feel stuck. What’s the harm in waiting to act? What’s even the opportunity? We reflect on these questions and more …
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To realize our big, bold visions, we need support. Asking for help can offer us so much – from bringing ease to our daily rhythms and routines to getting resources in crisis to deepening our connection to our community. What is your relationship to asking others to help you out? What are the mindsets and …
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We choose how to shape and give meaning to our lives. It seems simple enough. Make a choice each and every day to align with what matters. But it is not always that easy. How do you balance the short and the long-term priorities? How do you shift long-held routines that involve other people? We …
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Being able to redirect your path is a unique skill. Often we summon so much energy to set a direction in the first place that it can feel particularly hard to pivot. The more momentum we have behind us, the more force we need to bring with us to create a change. But that force …
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