Sometimes it is just good to step back. Way, way back. Maybe you want to get out of your typical work environment and approach those evergreen challenges with fresh eyes. Maybe you want to unplug and give yourself a blank slate to explore ‘what else?’ or ‘what next?’ Sound intriguing? Our retreats might be for you.
Retreats offer an amazing space to accelerate your learning and recharge your spirit. We design retreats for all occasions. Whether you are looking for an offsite experience for your executive team and board or a purposeful rest for yourself or a close group of friends, we’ve got you covered.
Point Road Retreats
We take a holistic view of your retreat experience making sure that you accomplish your objectives and leave the retreat feeling energized. (You’ll need that energy to keep the retreat momentum going!) Our retreats are designed around the following distinct stages of your retreat experience.
Create the Experience
Each retreat begins with thoughtful design. We will work with you to answer questions like: Who will participate in the retreat? What do you/your team want to get out of this experience? What environment/s would best suit your goals? What do you hope will be possible after this retreat that isn’t possible today? In short, before we ever get to work on customizing your retreat, we will get clear on what’s most important to you. Your goals, boundaries, and vision will guide our planning process. With your insights in hand, we invite you to sit back and let us take on the work of bringing your idea to life.
Relax + Enjoy
A retreat is a magical, restful experience. One where real work can get done and where transformation is possible. When the retreat day finally arrives, we invite every participant to breathe easy and soak in the experience. We are the conductors of this event and will own each detail, so you don’t have to. Your only job now is to relax and enjoy. You’ve earned it.
Keep the Momentum
We are committed to making sure that your retreat doesn’t end when you return to “real life.” We follow up after each retreat experience to ensure that you have what you need to keep the momentum building as you bring the magic of your retreat back into your everyday.
Let’s talk about what a custom retreat might look like for you. >
Sample Retreat Experiences
Retreats can take many different shapes and forms. Below are a few examples of retreats we’ve delivered in the past to get your wheels turning about what might work for you.
- Vision Retreat – Whether we spend the day together in Washington, D.C.’s National Art and Portrait Galleries, head out to a yurt along the California coastline, or escape to a cabin in the woods, our vision retreats are custom designed to give you the space, setting, and guidance to help you see your future and prepare yourself to move into it.
- Summer Camp – Why should kids have all the fun? We’ve hosted a week-long summer camp for adults in an idyllic setting just off “the real” Point Road in upstate New York. Enjoy climbing in the Adirondacks, canoeing along Lake Champlain, or just sleeping in. No matter the location, our Summer Camps are about taking the space to do whatever your heart desires, being in community with a group of people who inspire and giving yourself plenty of time to rest along the way.
- Entrepreneur’s Getaway – Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely experience, but it doesn’t have to be. These getaways offer a delightful mix of work and play. You gather your business besties and we will do the rest. We shake up your routines and give you the space and inspiration to tackle your most pressing business challenges. Past attendees have relaunched work products, established new strategic visions, developed and filmed their stories and dramatically revamped pricing models (and earning potential!) – all while having a ton of fun!
- Pilgrimage Walk – Spain’s Camino de Santiago is a spiritual journey with a long legacy. Travel with an experienced guide though all or part of this 500km walk. Work with us ahead of time to make planning and preparation easy and then simply enjoy the unfolding of your personalized experience. Buen Camino.
Design Your Own Retreat
While it can be wonderful to have someone else guide you through a retreat experience, there is no reason you can’t do this for yourself. Our Go Beyond Coloring + Activity Book was designed to support individuals in doing just that. The book invites you to set your own vision and gives you the tools and resources to bring that vision to life.