An ability to manage each detail beautifully, a drive to get things finished on time, a desire to put forth your best effort are all great gifts – with a shadow side. Perfectionism, overdrive and an expectation that you can always try a little harder can leave us feeling like we are just never finished. It could be better or faster or simply more. If any of these sentiments sound familiar than this week’s episode is for you. Hear as Sharon describes the tension between settling and settling down and how you can both hold a big vision and not be a slave to it. She describes 4 ways to tap into a sense of joy and calm, even when you are in the midst of unfolding what you really want – and not quite achieving it. For anyone whose ever felt frustrated or overwhelmed by a transition or the sheer volume of time is can take to realize a big dream, this episode was created for you.
“There is no try, there is only choose or commit.”
Ideas Shared
What Helps During A Big Transition
- Clear expectations on what is really happening
- Supportive people
- Delight in what is (versus despair in what is not)
How to Settle Down Without Settling
- Recognize that transitions are a natural part of our daily lives.
- Aim to be visionary, not a slave to your vision.
- Notice what triggers you to feel like you are settling.
- Appreciate and allow (after you get centered)