We are half way through 2017, which makes now the ideal time to check in on how things are going and get focused for the second half of the year. In this week’s episode, Sharon offers up 9 questions to reflect on how your year is going and shares what’s she been noticing about her own New Year’s resolution to “let rest.” This episode is perfect for anyone who is ready for a quick time out to reflect and refresh before moving through the second half of the year. It’s also a good fit for anyone who wants to know how to reboot because circumstances have changed and call for a new approach. This is exactly where Sharon finds herself and you will hear where she is struggling and how she is changing things up.
Questions to inspire your New Year’s Check In
- What was your new year’s resolution (or theme/intention)?
- What inspired this resolution in the first place?
- How has this resolution shown up in your life so far? How’s it been going?
- What have you learned from your resolution?
- What’s different today as a result of your resolution?
- What would deepen your practice of your resolution?
- What will serve you as you look to the second half of 2017?
- It’s January 1, 2018 and you and I are high giving about how 2017 was everything you hoped it would be – and then some. What are we celebrating?
- What will you commit to as you move through the second half of the year?
- Episode 28 of Design Yourself New Year, Same You on setting New Year’s resolutions-intentions-themes
- Episode 46 of Design Yourself on Teaching and Transitions with my sister Phyllis Lipovsky
- Blog post on my initial 2017 theme Let Rest