May you each be filled with gratitude and peace as we move into the end of year holiday season. In today’s episode, Sharon shares 10 questions to inspire you to step into your Thanksgiving (and beyond!) week in an intentional way. She also offers up her own personal reflections for each question, just as she did in Episode 22, the original Let Us Give Thanks episode. In additional to having space for your own reflections, you will also learn about the power of repetition and sitting with one thing over an extended period of time (whether a question, a physical practice or an idea). This is a great episode for anyone who is looking to reset before the holidays, who is curious to know more about what Sharon is up to or who is game for some personal reflection.
Ideas Shared
10 Questions to Get into the Thanksgiving Spirit
As you reflect upon the 2017 year, consider…
- What makes you happy?
- What have you overcome this past year?
- What are you most proud of professionally and personally?
- Consider something that has been difficult for you this year…what have you learned from this situation?
- What’s one thing that you could let go of that would bring you a greater sense of peace and gratitude?
- What are your greatest gifts?
- If you could give one gift to the world, what would you want it to be?
- If you could give one gift to yourself, what would you want it to be?
- What’s one thing that you would like to give to somebody this week?
- What are you thankful for?
Resources and Links:
- Curious how Sharon answered these questions the first time around? Check out Episode 22, the original Let Us Give Thanks show
- Here are the two yoga studios Sharon referenced: 1) Bikram Hot Yoga; 2) Down Dog Yoga
- Brene Brown’s book, Braving the Wilderness
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