Design Yourself 104: Create Your Learning Game Plan

September is here and we are all about the back to school vibe around here. This week Sharon invites you to create your own school of learning and shares just how you can do so. Hear about the difference between a growth and fixed-mindset and why being open to learning is key to leading a well-designed life. Explore what content, format and budget will fit your Learning Game Plan and get intentional about what you will choose to take on this year. This is a great episode for anyone itching to get back into the classroom and wondering where to start. It’s also great for anyone who has felt stuck in reaching for a big idea. (Psst, changing your perspective is a great first step.)

Ideas Shared

5 Questions to Create Your Learning Game Plan

  1. What’s the content?
  2. What’s the format?
  3. What’s the budget?
  4. What could get in the way of your learning?
  5. What do you choose?

Resources and Links