It’s a great accomplishment to achieve a critical goal. It can be all the more satisfying when that goal is to run a business you care about successfully. But it’s still just one outcome. Today’s episode focuses on for the sake of what. For the sake of what are you working hard to hit those goals. For the sake of what are you running your business. Sometimes our work gets us so heads down that we forget to lift up and make sure that all the effort is driving towards the kind of success that we really want. Using the lens of running a business, Sharon offers up questions to ground you in your for the sake of what and then offers how you can cascade this foundation into the way you run your business. This episode is a great fit for anyone who runs a small business or is dreaming about starting one. It will also speak to anyone who is looking for a little more alignment between your actions and your dreams.
Speaking of for the sake of what, here is a photo of a place that inspires my for the sake of what. Pssst, this place sits on the real Point Road – the inspiration behind Point Road Studios.
Things to Consider for Your For the Sake of What
- What is it that you are after in this life?
- What are your values?
- What is your deepest held conviction?
- What do you want to offer into the world? What is your unique contribution that you and only you can make?
- What do you want?
- Guided vision meditation in Episode 5 of Design Yourself
- Here’s a couple of shots, as promised, of the family out for a hike: