This week Sharon offers up a 10 Step Guide to Creative Living. If you are already jamming on all the ways that you need to be creative, awesome! But if you are like a lot of us and need a little kickstart to your creativity, this week’s episode is for you. Explore options for how to choose creativity over consumption (take a walk!), learn the difference between copying and appropriating (mindset!), discover some of Sharon’s go-to resources to kick a creative slump to the the curb (books! recipes! friends!) and more. This is a great episode for anyone who wants a reminder about just how much potential for awesomeness is sitting right there inside of you. Go ahead and let your inner kid run wild.
“To be alive is to have the potential for creativity.” – Sharon Lipovsky
Tomatoes fresh from the backyard garden cooked up about 2 feet from where they were grown? Yes please!
Ideas Shared
10 Step Guide to Creative Living
Choose creativity over consumption
Be generative not derivative
Appropriate at will
Don’t wait for the muse
Create to solve your own problems
Create to feed your body
Create to feed your soul.
Embrace constraints
Remember suffering is not helpful
Say yes to play + no to judgement
Resources and Links
You can sign up for the You Can Design Yourself webinar series here. Be sure to sign up for all three dates (October 17, November 7 and December 5).