Tag: Camino

Blast Off

MY PREGNANT PILGRIMAGE #6 May 15, 2012 Onward! Adventure! Unknown! I head to the airport in 15 minutes. Camino de Santiago: Here I am! The person I am today does feel nervous, even a little bit TERRIFIED, about the next 5-6 weeks on the trail.  But I know that this is a step taking me towards …

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Honor Your Emotions

MY PREGNANT PILGRIMAGE #5 May 1, 2012 So it is official. In two weeks I leave for Spain. I like to imagine that I have continued to feel calm and collected in the face of final preparations for the Camino de Santiago. I imagine: • That I have not felt nervous about how my pregnant body will feel …

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What Are You Moving Towards?

APRIL 20, 2012 / MY PREGNANT PILGRIMAGE #4 I was sitting in my prenatal class last weekend when the instructor decided to mix things up. Instead of asking us to go around the room and say our names and how many weeks we were, she asked us to each answer the same question. What am I moving towards? …

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Keep Buggering On

April 13, 2012 / My Pregnant pilgrimage #3 Things are in flux. I’m in the middle of a home renovation, less than 2 months away from my departure to Spain (!), and well into my second trimester. Life these days feels not a little chaotic. So many changes are afoot. We’ve got holes in our walls …

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The Adventure Begins

 April 6, 2012 / My Pregnant Pilgrimage #2 In mid-May, I’ll be heading to northern Spain to embark on the Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage route that has been travelled for thousands of years by the lost, the hopeful, the miracle-seekers, the penitent. A dear friend Aimee will be walking the 500 mile route with …

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The Final Weeks of Pregnancy

September 14, 2012 / My Pregnant Pilgrimage #1 It’s funny, in these last several weeks of pregnancy I haven’t had the impulse to write. Well maybe that’s actually not funny funny. But it is something that I’ve noticed.    Picture this: You are sitting in your house or your favorite cafe or your office. You are sitting in …

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