Today marks a special personal milestone that I wanted to share with all of you. Design Yourself released it’s 50th episode this Monday and I’m pretty pumped about it. I wanted to celebrate by giving something back to you. See below for details!
Despite my vision for and my interest in podcasting, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I set off on this adventure last July. Would I run out of topics? Would the technology vex me into extinction? Would I be able to commit to a weekly production running a business and being a mom to young children and being pregnant and then having a newborn and launching a new website and…well you get the idea. I’m pretty darn proud to have stuck with it and I’ve been struck by how easy it’s really been to stay the course. Two things very easy:
1) It turns out I LOVE podcasting. I have learned so much through this process and even when it’s been hard work it’s never stopped being fun.
2) I have the best listeners. So many of you have reached out to share a personal story with me about how the show is impacting you and that means A LOT. Thank you for taking the time to leave reviews on itunes and share your feedback with me directly. You are all awesome.
You So awesome, in fact, that I wanted to celebrate the 50th episode with a giveaway for the awesome community we are creating. So here’s what’s up.
Giveaway Deets
Between now and July 4, 2017, you can earn chances to win the two Design Yourself art objects that I’ve created since launching Point Road: 1) The Go Beyond coloring and activity book, 2) The There is Nothing Stopping You poster (both pictured above). Both of these items are handmade and part of a limited edition screen printing run. The poster hangs on my own office wall and inspires me each morning. The coloring book has helped me and many of my clients map out there own visions. If the Design Yourself podcast is all about helping people figure out what they want and make it happen, then these are the tools and inspiration to help you do so.
Here’s are the three ways to earn your chance/s to win:
Between now and July the 4th you can earn raffle entries by:
- If you aren’t already a subscriber, join the Point Road Studios community and get your name entered.
Subscribers are able to customize how often they want to hear from me (real time when new posts happen or monthly) and what kinds of things they want to hear (blogs, podcast, updates).
And by the by, all PRS subscribers will be getting a special something from me at the end of this raffle so really everyone is a winner.
2. Get your friends to join too! If you have people in your community who you think would value the resources we are sharing here, invite them to join. Simply email me that person’s name at sharon@pointroadstudios.com and if they subscribe, I will be sure to add your name into the raffle too.
3. Share on social media something that you’ve learned through the show and tag Point Road Studios on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Each place you post will earn you a new raffle entry.
Whether today is the first time you’ve listened, or you’ve been tuning in since the beginning, I value your feedback and would love to hear what you have to say.
It’s kind of hard to imagine that when I sat a little tongue tied and afraid to hit record on episode 1 that I’d still be at this whole podcasting thing a year later. If you listen back to episode 1, you will hear the ideas and ambition that I had for this show when I started and I’m delighted to see that 12 months later I’ve really lived into that vision.
I can think of no better way to honor episode 50 than by giving something back to all of you who have joined in on the experiment that is Design Yourself.