Do you dream of a change in your life? Maybe it’s about getting to the next level of your career. Or maybe there is a long held creative desire, like being a part of an award-winning show or publishing a best selling book? Today we talk about how to move toward your big dreams in a sustainable and powerful way in this episode of Design Yourself on the Vision Journey.
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Ideas Shared
“The path you take to get there is indicative of how you will feel when you get there.” – Sharon Lipovsky
Sample Client Strategies to Build the Bridge to Your Vision
- More White Space (eliminate distractions, set boundaries with people around your time and service; set boundaries for yourself around time to do nothing and see what emerges)
- Build a Creative Practice (e.g. paint, write, draw circles, garden, journal reflections)
- Put Yourself First (say where you want to eat; decide how you want to spend your time; practice seeing what you want in small, daily ways so that you can build the muscle to see into bigger manifestations for yourself)
- Follow Your Energy (this will both help build strength and resilience and will allow you to practice discernment – an important skill in leading with vision. Some days Bridgerton reading is energized…other times it’s a distraction…learn how to tell the difference!)
Ways to Lead with Vision Right Now
- Do the dishes – and nothing else.
- Walk to walk – and nothing else.
- Identify eliminating distractions
- Write a short daily “notice without judgement” reflection on how your practices are going
- Consider a creative practice like the one described in the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.
- Draw circles
- Have an accountability date with your partner (or other/s)
- Celebrate every win. Build momentum behind your subtle changes – start to build the new wish path.
Resources and Links
- Bored and Brilliant by Manoush Zomorodi, which taught me the concept of single tasking and it has changed my life. Here’s her Ted Talk.