Getting Out of the Whirlwind


Demands on our time, attention, and other resources are real. For many of us, our default way of processing stress is to dig in and take action. This action orientation leads to a swirl of activity, which exacerbates the situation. How do we center ourselves in the middle of the storm? In this episode of Design Yourself, we discuss how to get out of the whirlwind.

We cover:

  • Reasons for the whirlwind
  • What to do to calm the storm
  • How to make the calm a sustainable way of being

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Reasons for the whirlwind

  • Overwhelm
  • Workplaces stress
  • Not being able to find or connect to your purpose
  • Not believing that you can get out of the whirlwind 

What to do to calm the storm

  • Shore up your foundation (e.g. breathe, take breaks, sleep, nurture yourself)
  • Get clear on what you want
  • Draft a believable path to move you from here to there

How to make the calm a sustainable way of being

  • Start with a roadmap
  • Build the navigation system
  • Develop a practice of “going beyond” (e.g. checking in on the current state, desired state, and the alignment of your movement on the path)

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