In today’s Design Yourself, we meet Ericka Leighton-Spradlin, the artist and entrepreneur behind Continuum, an eclectic bazaar//concept shop in Cincinnati, OH. (This happens to be Sharon’s favorite place to shop!) Learn how Ericka created her vision for the space and then followed her instincts to make her dream a reality. From sourcing trips to Japan, an artist commune in Maine, and balancing the demands of a growing business, Ericka’ story weaves a beautiful mix of the creative spirit and entrepreneurial mindset.
Resources and Links
- Watershed Center for Ceramic Arts
- History of Over the Rhine
- Julia Lipovsky
- White Helmets for Aleppo
- Interview with Grace Bonney on the Young House Love Podcast (interview starts around minute 10):
- Paula Greif ceramics (based in Hudson, NY)
Learn More About Ericka
insta: continuumbazaar
facebook: Continuum Bazaar
Visit Continuum: 1407 Vine Street Cincinnati, OH