Can it be that the holidays and end of year are really here? Tis so! If you, like Sharon, are finding yourself not yet fully in the holiday spirit, fear not. Today’s episode is designed to help you find just that. Sharon shares 10 questions to get you reflecting on how you’d like to move through the coming weeks. Explore your own answers and see what Sharon’s personal reflections might spark for you. Wishing that the holidays this year bring you just what you hoped for – and a few fun surprises too.
Ideas Shared:
Here are 10 questions to help you find your holiday spirit:
- What are some of your fondest holiday memories?
- Are there any old traditions that you want to let go of or new ones that you want to start?
- What’s most important to you this holiday season?
- What are you most excited about? How can you soak those moment up?
- What emotion or emotions will serve you as you move through the next week?
- What 2-3 experiences do you want to sit back and enjoy?
- What MUST DOs are draining your energy? What opportunities do you have to delegate, get done quick, or revamp your approach?
- What would bring you relief to move from your TO DO list to your DON’T DO list?
- What gift would you most like to give yourself this holiday season?
- What gift would you most like to offer those around you (your loved ones, your community, the world)?
Resources and Links:
DY Episode 16, Letting Go of the Busyness Paradigm