In Episode 3, Sharon explores one of the fiercest barriers to going after what we really want: Fear.
Ideas Shared:
Here are the two types of Good Scary that I most commonly see happening to us:
- Scary New – How can I possibly? I never have before!
- Scary Change – What? Me? Do something different? Never!
Scary Good Challenge:
When it comes to leading a life that makes you wildly happy/fulfilled/delighted – what are you afraid of?
Another way to think of this is: What is holding you back from going after what you really want?
How to Embrace the Good Scary:
Step 1: Name and acknowledge the Good Scary.
Step 2: Lean into that fear in small ways. Stretch your comfort level.
Step 3: Ask yourself what emotion might help serve as a counter balance to fear.
Step 4: Exercise courage.
Resources and Links:
So this Bad Scary stuff is real. Curious to learn more about how fear works when we are faced with Bad Scary? Geek out over here and learn a bit more about the neuroscience.