Design Myself: I Choose Rituals Over Resolutions

At the top of 2018, I decided to take an intentionally different approach to the year. I resisted my impulse to set goals or create a word for the year or do anything that remotely sniffed of resolution making. (As an action-oriented lady, this resistance took some effort!) In past years, I might have told …

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Dangerous Not Scary

Here is a distinction that took my breath away recently. What’s so different about scary and dangerous? More specifically, what’s the difference between something being scary-not-dangerous versus being dangerous-not-scary? Short answer: A lot. Scary-not-dangerous is an intimidating but usually growth-filled space to play. Dangerous-not-scary situations compel us to remain stagnant out of comfort even when …

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Choosing Boundaries and Commitments

I’ve been thinking a lot this summer about taking breaks. Both my own personal experience and research point to how important it is to step back from work. But this isn’t always easy. It’s hard to know when work stops and life begins because, really, the two aren’t separate. Earlier in my career, I sought …

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Podcast Birthday Celebration: Giving Something Back to You

Today marks a special personal milestone that I wanted to share with all of you. Design Yourself released it’s 50th episode this Monday and I’m pretty pumped about it. I wanted to celebrate by giving something back to you. See below for details! Despite my vision for and my interest in podcasting, I wasn’t quite sure what …

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Getting Started Guide: Rebranding

To rebrand is to change your image. Traditionally this term has been tied to corporate images, but in today’s world of social media influencers and content experts, we all have our own brand. Often unconsciously the way we show up and present ourselves is forming our image in the world (whether online or in real …

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A New Chapter and Routines

MY PREGNANT PILGRIMAGE #16 June 12, 2012 One week ago, I was waking up in a hotel room in central Madrid.  A hotel that happened to really love floral prints – we are talking roses on the bed spread, daisy-plastered wallpaper, lilies dancing around the blue-tiled bathroom walls.  But I digress. Before rush hour had subsided, …

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MY PREGNANT PILGRIMAGE #15  June 6, 2012 It’s Wednesday afternoon and I write from Arlington, Virginia. The morning has been slow and delightful. Coffee on the back deck with Colin and the dogs with the early light of morning just making itself known, a delightfully uneventful prenatal appointment, reading The Marriage Plot (which I bought in …

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