A Vision Meditation

To lead a life of intention asks us to connect to what we desire. Simple in concept, but often hard in execution. Many things will grab our attention: Competing priorities; jampacked schedules; and people-pleasing habits – to name just a few. Many of us will falter on this path because we have been trained to act. When something is missing, we feel compelled to do something – anything! – to find a new way forward. Today’s podcast offers an antidote to that restless pacing.

Learn to listen to yourself. What is it that you really want?


Summer Series 2024 | Curated guidance and resources to guide and support you in making this season – and what follows – just what you wish it to be.

Ideas Shared

In this episode, you will be guided to think about:

  • What kind of a vision is meaningful to you right now? What type of vision? What time horizon?
  • What parts of your story are you proud of? What parts do you want to keep holding? What parts are you ready to release?
  • What do you look like when at play?
  • When you imagine yourself in your desired future, what do you sense? Feel into the details.
  • What steps could you take today to start moving you on this path?


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