What have you learned this year? And how will those lessons inform your direction in the coming year? In this week’s episode we explore the power of looking back and taking perspective. And then look at a few tools to help you do just that. We close with a how-to guide to writing a letter to yourself to reflect on the year. Here’s to taking a few moments to look back and learn from what has unfolded for you in 2022.
Ideas Shared
Year-End Letter Exercise
We are closing out the calendar year. It is a season of endings and season of anticipation. A time to take stock of the road travelled and to consider how you will traverse the road that lies ahead.
Take 10-15 minutes and write a letter to yourself reflecting on your year. Use the structure and prompts below to get started. If you feel inspired to adapt, go rogue. Let your words emerge in whatever way brings you ease. Release any need for perfection.
After a few weeks have passed, return to what you wrote. Consider if there is anything else you want to remember? Any new connections you want to make? Finally, give voice to your letter. Read out loud to yourself or a trusted friend. Notice what it feels like to let your words fly off the page.
Letter Template
Greeting: Dear Me [or add your name]
Paragraph One: Take stock on the past year.
- As I look back on this year, I wanted to let you know…
- I am celebrating….
- I am proud of…
- I worked really hard to…
- I learned…
Paragraph Two: Reflect on what led you to where you ended the year.
- The thing that supported me most is…
- The values that have guided me are…
- The challenge I faced is…
- The thing that made all the difference is…
Paragraph Three: Curate the lessons that the year has provided and look ahead to how you will lead with this learning moving forward.
- As I look to the year ahead, what I want to carry with me…
- What I want to leave behind is…
- The advice I want to hold onto is..
Closing: Love, Me [or add your name]