Today Sharon explores the topic of asking for help. You will learn about why flexing this skill is a critical component of successful leadership and sane living, what holds us back from asking for help, and why we’ve got to push forth and ask anyway. Finally Sharon offers 5 Rules of the Road for how to get past your own discomfort or habit of not asking for help and move into the practice of doing it anyway.
- Learn more about the Camino de Santiago – a pilgrimage walk through Spain that profoundly changed my life. (Among other things it taught me that sometimes getting to the end goal just isn’t the point.)
- Psst. If you are curious about walking the Camino yourself, here is a must read book, A Pilgrim’s Guide to the Camino de Santiago.
Why Don’t We Ask For Help:
- We don’t know what to ask for
- The “Busy-ness Cycle”
- It makes us uncomfortable
- No one can do it as well as me
- I’m in control, thank you very much
Why We Ought To Ask Anyway:
- Our own capabilities are finite
- We can’t do everything
- You can leverage others’ strengths to cover your own blindspots *
- You will learn something – about yourself, about your habits
- Going it alone can get lonely and it’s necessarily riddled with your own limitations. You can’t see beyond you.
*If you are curious to learn more about my superstar partner-in-crime/planner extraordinaire who I often go to for help, you can do so over here. [LINK TO BETHANY ON THE COLLABORATORS SECTION]
5 Rules of the Road for Asking for Help:
- Be clear and specific
- Be open
- DON’T ask at the emotional breaking point
- Keep doing it
- Embrace Hearing No